Outdated documentation

This documentation has been kept for posterity but might be or will be outdated. It should not be used anymore. Please head to the documentation section for up to date documentation and guides.

Made for Matrix Badge Guidelines

Include the Made for Matrix badge to communicate that your client, server, SDK, bot or service is made using the Matrix protocol.


Preferred Badge

made for matrix

Use the preferred black badge in your marketing materials. When using the badge on your website, link the badge to https://matrix.org using the target="_blank" attribute.

Inverted Badge

made for matrix

If the preferred black badge isn't legible in your layout, for example because your background is too dark, instead use the inverted badge, displayed above on a grey background.

Graphic Standards

made for matrix

Minimum clear space is equal to one-quarter the height of the badge. Don't place photos, typography, or other graphic elements inside the minimum clear space. Do not stretch or alter the aspect ratio of the badge.
