Google Summer of Code participants were announced last week. This year Matrix was assigned SIX students!

This is the most students we've have taken on in a single year, made possible by Matrix now acting as an umbrella organisation for multiple projects - this year that's Ruma, Nheko and OpsDroid. There are also students working on projects from the core team: go-neb, matrix-js-sdk and matrix-ircd.

We received dozens of applications this year, which made narrowing our focus to six students difficult, but we are proud to announce:

Devin Ragotzy, who has been involved with the Ruma project in the past, will work on Ruma procedural macro refactoring and more

Arnav Tiwari will work with Travis and myself to create HTML Embeddable Matrix Chat Rooms

Nikolaos Filippakis will work to support E2E encryption for go-neb. Kegan, one of the original go-neb authors is particularly excited about this one

Brooks Karlik will update matrix-ircd: Move matrix-ircd to async/await. This will be a welcome upgrade for anyone using that project!

Tyagdit will work with Cadair and the OpsDroid team on Enabling E2EE in Opsdroid Matrix Connector

Chethan Reddy, last but not least, will work with Nico and the Nheko gang on Adding Features in End-to-End encryption for Nheko-Reborn

Congratulations all, and also congratulations and thank you to the projects the students will be working on!

Find out all about Matrix @ GSoC on Google's dedicated site, and keep reading the Matrix blog where we'll have updates from the students.

PS Alejandro Domínguez has a Matrix related project too: they'll be working under the GNOME organisation to add Multi account support to Fractal.