We are very happy to be one of the companies selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2016!
GSoC is a great, global opportunity for students to work on open source projects during their university summer break. The idea is for students to propose a project for any of the open source organisations picked by Google, and - if accepted - receive a stipend for working on it. We are very eager to see what projects students will propose - we have written up some ideas here, but students are expected to do some research and come up with projects themselves.
If you are a student wanting to participate in GSoC for Matrix, please come talk to us in #gsoc:matrix.org - we are happy to discuss project ideas and review application drafts. We have also added some general tips on what to include in the application here.
Applications can be submitted starting next Monday, so there's still plenty of time to have a play with Matrix and come up with a cool project idea.
Good luck!